3 Security Additions That Will Make Your Home an Unattractive Target for Burglars

Posted on: 11 March 2019

Buying your first home is an important and memorable milestone in life. It's a chance to enjoy life without the stresses of renting, including the ability to make changes and improvements to your home as you see fit. While it's normal to focus on aesthetic ideas, it's also important to consider the security of your new home.

To really enjoy living in your new home, you and your family should feel secure. However, it can be difficult to do this if your home isn't properly equipped to both physically and visually deter would-be burglars. If this is a concern of yours, here are three additions that will make your new home an unattractive target for criminals.

1. Security doors

Doors are one of the most commonly utilised entry points for burglaries. An experienced criminal doesn't even require an unlocked door because they can usually make fairly short work of standard locks through skill or brute force. Adding security doors to all external doors of your new home will make them much harder to enter.

Make sure that you chose doors that are proven to withstand entry attempts through prising pen or impact. They should include heavy-duty locks that penetrate deep into the frame of the door and which can be locked from the inside with a key.

2. Security lights

Burglars rely on discretion to quickly and easily enter homes. You can remove this ability for stealth by adding security lights to the outside of your home. Security lights are triggered by motion, so if a burglar nears your home, they will illuminate and remove the cover of darkness.

To be effective, security lights should cover all of the external entrances to your home, including both windows and doors. Ideally, they should be hardwired into your home's main electricity supply so that they can't be disconnected from the outside of your home.

3. Security cameras

Security cameras are another highly effective deterrent for would-be burglars. They also give you the ability to see what's happening outside your home without risking your safety if you suspect that an intruder has approached your home.

In the past, security cameras were expensive and difficult to install. However, advances in modern technology mean there is a wide range of affordable cameras available that you can install yourself. Many models can also be operated and viewed via your smartphone or tablet.

Learn more about these and other security options by contacting security services.


Changing Your Home To A Modern Look

There is nothing more exciting than renovating a home. However, when the home is still decorated with paisley wallpaper and orange tiles of the 1960s, then you have a whole lot of work ahead of you. I recently undertook a renovation task of mammoth proportions as I wanted to drag my nana's property into the latest century. My blog is designed to help other homeowners who have a massive modernization task ahead. Not only will I post about what's trending in modern looks, but I'll also post about behind the scenes factors you need to check like old wiring and plumbing. You can turn a shagadelic orange residence into a gleaming finish of chrome and light, you just need to know where to start.


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