Two Tips to Follow if You’ll Be Hiding Your Children’s Christmas Gifts in a Self-Storage Unit

Posted on: 25 October 2022

Putting the gifts you've bought your children for Christmas in a self-storage unit is a great way to ensure they don't find their gifts in the family home before Christmas day. Here are some tips to follow if you decide to do this.

Postpone the gift-wrapping and stow your wrapping supplies in the unit

If you'll be putting the gifts in the unit several weeks or months before Christmas, you shouldn't wrap them prior to doing this. This will not only ensure that you don't have to try to remember which wrapped items contain which specific gifts but will also allow you to make last-minute changes to some of the gifts (such as adding in some extra accessories to a dollhouse, for example). If you take this advice, you should also put your wrapping supplies in the unit.

The reason for this is that unless you know of a definite date shortly before Christmas when none of your children will be around and you can wrap the gifts at home without them seeing, it would probably be best to do the gift-wrapping inside the self-storage unit shortly before Christmas day. Stowing your wrapping supplies in the unit when you first fill it with your family's gifts, instead of bringing these supplies with you on the date you plan to do the wrapping, will ensure that you don't forget to bring an essential supply (such as scissors or tape) when you only have a few hours to get this task done at the unit. If you do the wrapping at the storage facility, you'll be able to get it done without being interrupted and will not have to worry about your children getting a peek at their gifts during this process.

Choose a facility with drive-up self-storage units if your children's gifts are large and irregularly-shaped

If there's a facility near your home that has drive-up self-storage units, and the gifts you've bought for your children are large and irregularly shaped (for example, if you've purchased them a mountain bike or an extra-large stuffed toy), you should rent one of these units. Whilst any good storage facility will provide its customers with trolleys that they can use to transport their items from their units to their vehicles, the process of loading your gifts from the unit into the back of your car will still be easier, quicker and safer if you can eliminate the need for this type of trolley, by parking your car next to your rented unit.

The reason for this is that it could be tricky to keep big, irregularly shaped items stable on a trolley and so there's a chance that they could fall off it. Whilst this wouldn't be a big deal if the item in question were, for example, a box of books you were storing in the unit, it could be much more upsetting if you accidentally drop and then damage one of your children's main Christmas presents. However, if you're able to park your car close enough to the unit to simply load the gifts directly into it, you won't have to worry about this happening. 

For more information about self-storage units, contact a local company. 


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