An Overview Of 3 Popular Types Of Skylights

Posted on: 9 March 2023

There are several reasons for having a skylight installed on your property, such as improving the aesthetic, increasing natural light in an existing living space or as the main light source for a new extension or conversion. When you decide to have a skylight installed you will need to choose which type of skylight you would like. There are several types to choose from, but the type of roof you have and your budget will also play a role in the options you have. Here's an overview of three popular types of skylights for you to consider.


Fixed skylights are very popular when the goal is to significantly increase natural light to an attic, extension or stairwell. This type of skylight can be installed on any pitched roof and is completely sealed, meaning it cannot be opened for ventilation. So, you will want to take into consideration how the room will be ventilated if there are no other windows. Fixed skylights can consist of a wood, steel or aluminium frame, so they can blend into your property's existing style.


A ventilated skylight is similar to a fixed skylight, but it does open, which allows you to get fresh air into your property through the skylight. It may be wise to opt for a ventilated skylight in a room that is prone to high moisture levels, such as a bathroom or kitchen. These days, ventilated skylights can be operated with remote control, so there's no need to be able to easily reach your skylight to open and close it. Some models also have sensors that trigger them to close automatically if it starts to rain.


Pyramid-shaped skylights are ideal for use on flat roofs, as rainwater will run down the sloping sides of these skylights. They can be tricky to install, and if they are not installed well they may leak at the joints, so it's best to ensure you use a skylight installation company with experience in installing on flat roofs. Pyramid skylights allow a lot of natural light to flood into your property and can be made in a range of sizes to suit your needs. They typically have glass panels, but some models have strong acrylic panels, which are lighter than glass and may be preferred depending on the structure and age of your roof.

If you're unsure of the best type of skylight for your property, consult with an experienced skylight installer. They will take the style of your property, the pitch of your roof and your roofing material into consideration when making their recommendation.

For more info about skylight installation, contact a local company. 


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