Why Spending Money On Houseplants Does Much More Than Just Enhance Your Interior Décor

Posted on: 13 December 2019

Indoor plants are not a new interior design concept. In recent years, houseplants have steadily made a comeback to homes since they add a certain charm to any space, whether characterised by a traditional or minimalist style. So it is unsurprising that you could be thinking of adding a plant or two into your home. However, you should know that visiting your florist is not merely about looking for a plant that will make your interiors stand out. Instead, you should think of having a plant in every room due to the many advantages that they offer. Read on to learn why spending money on houseplants is much more than enhancing your interior décor.

Increased air quality

A major reason why you should have multiple houseplants is that they will dramatically improve your indoor air quality in a couple of ways. To begin with, the plants' natural process of photosynthesis automatically eliminates carbon dioxide from your living spaces and introduces additional oxygen. Thus, you get the benefit of cleaner, fresher air in your home. Moreover, houseplants passively absorb chemicals that could potentially be present in your home. For instance, timber furniture tends to contain slight levels of formaldehyde. With indoor plants, this chemical is eliminated and your air quality improves.

Enhanced humidity

The second reason why you should start taking houseplants seriously is the increased moisture they add to your indoor air. You could be thinking that humidity will simply make your home feel clammy and uncomfortable to live in, but this is grossly incorrect. You should note that the humidity that the plants produce via transpiration is not as overwhelming as when the weather is humid. Thus, you get to benefit from a slight increase in moisture that goes a long way in enhancing your breathing while reducing the risk of falling ill from a cold. Furthermore, the moisture in the air will also aid in alleviating dry and chapped skin.

Sharpened attention

Do you work from home? Then you should definitely have houseplants in your living areas. A surprising benefit of working or studying in an environment that is dotted with plants is that it simulates the feeling of being in nature. When you are surrounded by greenery, you tend to be more relaxed, and this, in turn, helps with enhancing your attention and sharpening your focus on whatever you are doing. Thus, you will find that you are more productive once your residence is filled with houseplants.

Contact a florist to learn more about purchasing plants for your home.


Changing Your Home To A Modern Look

There is nothing more exciting than renovating a home. However, when the home is still decorated with paisley wallpaper and orange tiles of the 1960s, then you have a whole lot of work ahead of you. I recently undertook a renovation task of mammoth proportions as I wanted to drag my nana's property into the latest century. My blog is designed to help other homeowners who have a massive modernization task ahead. Not only will I post about what's trending in modern looks, but I'll also post about behind the scenes factors you need to check like old wiring and plumbing. You can turn a shagadelic orange residence into a gleaming finish of chrome and light, you just need to know where to start.


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