Homewares That Haven't Gotten Enough Attention Lately

Posted on: 20 October 2021

Furnishing a home includes getting both necessary furniture and decorative items that also serve practical purposes. These homewares are what really make your home usable as a place to live and not just a place to stay temporarily. Some homewares come and go in terms of popularity, and a few that could really improve your life now have not been getting the attention they deserve.

Biscuit Jars

If you want a nice piece of designer homeware for your kitchen, start with a biscuit jar. You can get sleek, plain glass jars with large lids, or you could go retro with shaped jars that look like houses or other structures, similar to what was popular 30 or 40 years ago. Look for airtight lids to keep pests away from the goodies inside.

TV Trays

Bring them back! The humble TV tray, which allowed you to eat dinner in front of the TV, still has its place. You may dismiss the idea of eating in front of the TV or computer as mindless, and that's fine, but sometimes you want a change of scenery. Instead of forcing everyone over to the dinner table, get TV trays with legs and head into the backyard for a picnic. Or if the weather isn't cooperating, stay in the living room and have a casual meal — make it a '70s theme for extra fun. The raised edges of the TV tray will help keep food from falling onto the floor.

Beaded Curtains for Kitchen Entrances

With today's open living designs, the lack of privacy in the kitchen as you cook for guests can be distracting. If you can't remodel your home to add walls, create walls with beaded curtains. If you're used to the cheap plastic ones your mates had in college, rest assured that you can now find high-quality beads that look gorgeous.

Not many homes have had beaded curtains in the past several years as the beads carry an "old hippie" reputation, but with the right patterns and colours, you can set up an isolated cooking space that will signal to guests that they shouldn't barge in. Granted, no one wants a bunch of beads to collide with the frosted cake they're trying to take out of the kitchen, which is why installing a hook or tie to the nearest wall is advisable. But other than ensuring the beads can be placed out of the way when you need them to be, these are low-maintenance solutions to an annoying problem.

Look into different designer homewares that you could put into your home. 


Changing Your Home To A Modern Look

There is nothing more exciting than renovating a home. However, when the home is still decorated with paisley wallpaper and orange tiles of the 1960s, then you have a whole lot of work ahead of you. I recently undertook a renovation task of mammoth proportions as I wanted to drag my nana's property into the latest century. My blog is designed to help other homeowners who have a massive modernization task ahead. Not only will I post about what's trending in modern looks, but I'll also post about behind the scenes factors you need to check like old wiring and plumbing. You can turn a shagadelic orange residence into a gleaming finish of chrome and light, you just need to know where to start.


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